Kathy’s Classes
Yoga for Bone Health (in person and over Zoom)
Mondays 2:30-3:45 pm
This class will focus on the poses (especially strength and balance) that are beneficial for those concerned with the health of their bones. It's for all levels and will offer safety guidelines and options for those with osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Zoom Information for this class:
Meeting ID: 834 2373 4546
Passcode: 947979
Yoga for All Levels (in person)
Mondays 4:15-5:15 pm
A mixed level class for students of all levels, including new students.
Yoga for Experienced Students (in person)
Tuesdays 10-11:30 am
For those who have taken classes before.
Yoga for Experienced Students (in person)
Wednesdays 5:30-7 pm
For those who have taken classes before.
Gentle Yoga (in person and over Zoom)
Thursdays Noon-1pm
Zoom Information for this class:
Meeting ID: 811 2567 2022
Passcode: 908683
A class for students of all levels interested in exploring a slow-paced, nurturing practice. The focus is on gentle strengthening and stretching poses that help restore range of motion, release muscular tension and help manage stress.
These classes are ongoing and drop-ins are welcome in any class
Prices for Kathy's classes: $22 drop-in / $90 - 5 class package / $180 - 10 class package
credits expire 6 months from purchase date / classes do not have to be used consecutively
Payments can be made in person or by mail (checks made out to Kathy Curran):
Kathy Curran
P.O. Box 87
Hesperus, CO 81326
Contact Kathy (kathy@4cornersyoga.com) for other payment options.
Private classes - $100 for 1 hour (includes a personal lesson plan with photos of the positions that are taught)
Gift certificates available in any amount!
Virtual Classes on Zoom
Getting set up with Zoom
Zoom is an online platform where we can virtually meet up to practice yoga from the comfort of your home. Zoom can be used on a laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone device. You can join from a pre-sent link or use a meeting I.D (see above).
The application MUST be downloaded in advance.
Click HERE to download Zoom.
Plan on arriving at least 5 minutes before the class. I will begin the class at the designated time.
You can attend the class with your video on or off (of course, I would love to see you but you can also make this a more private experience if you prefer).
Plan on having what props you own close by. Many common items in homes can be substituted for official yoga props - for instance, books in place of blocks, firm cushions in place of bolsters, regular chairs in place of backless yoga chairs, a tie or belt in place of a yoga strap. A hand towel could be used for an eye cover. It's helpful to have a wall or counter close by for optional support in some poses.
Waiver of Liability:
By choosing to participate in any class, you affirm that you alone are responsible for your participation and that you agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that you have now or hereafter may have against Kathy Curran. By entering an in-person class or Zoom session with Kathy Curran, it confirms that you understand and agree with this waiver of liability.